Pointing on terminal: new option to disable the mandatory connection
janar 2014

The check-in function allows members to validate their presence in the clubhouse. A member who has not checked in his reservation can be penalized by the automatic cancellation of his reservation or an automatic suspension for a few days.

On the old version 3 of BalleJaune, it was not necessary to log in to check in. The member could click on a button and then find the list of reservations to check in.

The main drawback was that a member could then check in another member's reservation...

This is the main reason why we decided to make it mandatory to log in to check in.

Several clubs have expressed the need to have the same functionality as in the old version, at the risk of one member checking in another's reservation.

Therefore, because we are listening to you, we have reinstated this possibility by adding an option in Administration > Club configuration > Check-in on terminal.

Once the option is activated, a "red card" icon will appear on the kiosk mode allowing the clocking in of reservations without the need for a connection, just like in the old version of YellowBall: