About the connection problems and random slowness encountered by some users for the last 2 weeks
shkurt 2014

[Resolved] Since the beginning of February 2014, several users mostly at Orange/SFR and with Internet Explorer have complained of random slowness. Specifically, the small yellow wheel at the top of the page was spinning in a vacuum and it could be necessary to refresh the page several times to make a reservation.

After several days of investigation in collaboration with a data-center expert, we think we have found the origin of the problem and it should now be solved. It would be a network problem since an update made at the end of January on our servers.

The particularity of this "bug" was that it affected users randomly depending on the ISP and the location of the IP address (Orange, SFR, Numericable, ...). It could be very fast in H+/4G at Orange and much less well in Wi-fi at home.

Therefore, if some club members have reported these symptoms (random slowness, page loading in a vacuum, ...), everything should be back to normal as of this Friday, February 14, 2014 at 1am Paris time.

[Resolved]during the day on Thursday, February 13, 2014, some users with Internet Explorer encountered a problem connecting to BalleJaune. This connection bug was corrected in the evening of the same day at 8:30 pm.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by these random inconveniences and fortunately affecting a minority of users. Do not hesitate to contact the support team to give us your feedback