BalleJaune is an online reservation system that allows you to offer online booking to your members and outside players in minutes. The management of your club (tennis club, padel, squash, etc.) becomes a pleasure for your club managers and your customers.
Our reservation system allows you to rent tennis courts or any place or space (fitness, yoga, school gym, swimming pool, etc). Fine tune the booking rules for each user and sell tickets or booking points to build customer loyalty.
Naš sustav online rezervacija osmišljen je tako da vam ponudi optimiziran pristup na mobilnom uređaju i dodirnoj ploči bez obzira na operativni sustav (Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, itd.).
Tenis, Padel, Squash, Badminton, Golf... Također možete koristiti BalleJaune u svojoj općini ili zajednici općina za upravljanje i dijeljenje različitih infrastruktura.
Make life easier for your users by offering payment for reservations or guests by credit card. We take no commission on sales.
Ponudite svojim korisnicima jednostavan i učinkovit način pronalaženja novih partnera za igranje zahvaljujući malim oglasima, imeniku članova i integriranom sustavu za razmjenu poruka.
Each user can activate notifications and receive an e-mail or an SMS when sending a message on the built-in mail or during a reservation.
Simplify communication between players in your organization with integrated messaging system. Take the opportunity to keep them informed of the club's life by sending them a small message regularly.
Statistical tools at your disposal offer numerous charts and lists to help you operate and analyse all your data in a few clicks.
Analyze the occupancy rates of each lot to reflect the habits of the members and plan your season successfully.
Konzultirajte i sortirajte po razdoblju povijest prošlih i budućih rezervacija. Odaberite nekoliko filtara i jednim klikom izvezite sve svoje podatke u Excel format.
Export your data at any time in Excel format. As always, you can use filters to refine your search and export what you want.
Filtrirajte popis članova prema svojim kriterijima i pošaljite grupnu poruku odabiru. Prilagodite izgled svojih postova i dodajte slike i privitke. Također možete umetnuti varijable da biste ugradili ime/prezime primatelja u tekst poruke.
Configure roles with specific rights (Administrator, moderator, Member, visitor, etc.). Create subscriptions to finely define rights booking rights (quota, weekly limit, free or paid booking, etc.).
Uvezite svoje korisnike jednostavnom Excel ili CSV datotekom. Postojeći korisnici se ažuriraju i dodaju novi. Vjerodajnice za prijavu automatski se šalju e-poštom novim korisnicima.
Update your BalleJaune database in a few clicks to include the latest licenses added on ADOC and remove the old members.
The deleted users are moved to the trash, you can restore them at any time! Ideal for sorting at the beginning of the season. Users in the trash are not counted in your BalleJaune subscription.
Carry out grouped actions for selected users (messages, suspensions, deletions, etc) and use filters to refine your search (age categories, type of profile, groups, etc.).
Already have a website? Integrate a login form and calendars into the pages of your existing website. This way you can ensure that everyone goes through your site to book.
You will not find any ads on your BalleJaune space, except for the logos of your sponsors and partners which you can add in a few clicks.
Create and configure a registration form to allow new members and tourists to register with your club to book time slots.
Earn Likes and maintain your community by integrating your social networks on your homepage.
Beyond the many built-in statistics tools built into BalleJaune, you can create a Google Account to track your audience on the most advanced statistics service.
Improve your SEO on Google, Bing and others search engine like Qwant. With BalleJaune, you'll be in the top spot when a player searches for a club in your city.
On a simple computer or a kiosk, activate the BalleJaune kiosk mode to permanently display the calendars at the clubhouse. Virtual keyboard included for touchscreen.
Ensure that all bookings are honoured by asking members to check-validate their reservations on the computer or kiosk available at the clubhouse.
Tested and approved by dozens of BalleJaune clubs, kiosk provided by our partner Digitronix are independent, quiet and secure (ideal for outdoor situation).
The PassPerso solution automatically assigns a personal access code (4 to 8 digits) to each user in your database. This code will allow for example to open the door of the club-house then the door of the booked ground to the schedules agreed at the time of the reservation.
The access code is communicated by e-mail to the user during the creation of the account. It is also displayed on the screen after every booking and in booking confirmations sent by e-mail.
PassPerso access codes are generated automatically, you have nothing to do. However, you can change a user's code if necessary or reset all access codes at the beginning of the season in the "User Management" menu.
The club assigns badges on BalleJaune in the "User Management" menu. The user may for example, with his badge, open the door of the club house and the door of the area reserved at the agreed time. The door will open when the badge is near the reader.
When booking, the user obtains an alphanumeric access code allowing him to open the door of the area at the times agreed at the time of booking. This access code may also be available as a QR code depending on the hardware.